Student work
Megolopolis is a a cardboard city built at Artpark in Lewiston, during the summer of 1985. It was a kid size, thick with webs, stuff hanging, laced together, buildings and spaces. Corrugated is so easy to form and structurally surprising. Kids can do it.
Kids belong behind cameras, especially digital cameras! Observation changes when it happens through the lens.
"Make pictures, don't take pictures" - Stiller
This gallery focuses on our varied adventures. It is also about what happens to the group, as they share adventures and become cohesive. It is an intensive social millieu, an inclusive community of young artists. You can see what happens when inspiration is brought back to the studio...
I have picked some of my favorite 2-d student work from Abovoagogo Studio School.
These paintings were done by children in my Saturday and After School classes over the period of six weeks in the Winter of 2013. They highlight the technique of painting in distinct layers.
We already know everything we need to know about objects and space. These sculptures were made by students at SUNY Cortland, while teaching sculpture from 2001 to 2006.
Abovoagogo ©2010 - 2024 by Stiller Zusman. Website by Mixplex